Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Cart Heritage Kingdom of Jogjakarta

Evidence of the existence of means of conveyance in prehistoric times in Indonesia has not been found. The existence of the wheel allegedly appeared in the plant. The advent of the wheel allegedly closely associated with digunakannnya wheel tool in the production of tools made ​​of clay (pottery). At the time of this farming humans have shown signs of settling down. At such time that humans have also developed a new and better life in the form of plant cultivation and domestication modest levels of certain animals to be maintained. This sort of thing also suggests that at that time was known means of conveyance that has been using the wheels and pulled by animals (buffalo, cow, or horse).

The word batik derived from the combination of two Javanese words : amba, which means 'writing' and titik, which means 'point'. Although the word comes from the Javanese batik, the presence of batik in Java itself is not recorded. G.P. Rouffaer argue that the possibility of batik techniques introduced from India or Sri Lanka in the 6th century or the 7th. On the other hand, J.L.A. Brandes, Dutch archaeologist, and F.A. Sutjipto, Indonesian historian, believed that the tradition of batik is a native of the area such as Toraja, Flores, Halmahera, and Papua. It should be noted that the area is not an area that is influenced by Hinduism, but it is known to have an ancient tradition of batik making.

G.P. Rouffaer also reported that the  gringsing pattern has been known since the 12th century in Kediri, East Java. He concluded that this pattern can only be formed by using a canting so he argues that the canting is found in Java in the period surrounding it. The detailed carvings that resemble the patterns of batik cloth worn by Prajnaparamita, the statue of the Buddhist goddess of wisdom from East Java, 13th century. Detailed clothing featuring vines pattern and intricate flowers that are similar to traditional Javanese batik patterns that can be found today. This suggests that making intricate batik patterns that can only be made ​​with a canting has been known in Java since the 13th century or even earlier.

While the legend in the Malay literature of the 17th century, Sulalatus Salatin, telling Admiral Hang Nadim ordered by Sultan Mahmud to sail to India to get 140 pieces of fabric litter with 40 kinds of flower patterns on each page. Being unable to fulfill the order, he made ​​himself the fabrics. But unfortunately shipwrecked on the way home and he was only able to bring four pieces that make the Emperor disappointed. Then the four pieces of fabric is interpreted as batik.

In European literature, batik technique was first described in the book History of Java, London, 1817 writings of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. He had been a British governor of Java during Napoleon occupied the Netherlands. In 1873 a Dutch merchant, Van Rijekevorsel, gave a piece of batik obtained during a visit to Indonesia to the Ethnic Museum in Rotterdam and at the beginning of the 19th century. That's when batik began to reach the golden age. When exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900, Indonesian batik riveting public and artists.

Batik was originally a hereditary tradition of Javanese society. Perhaps, sometimes to a recognizable motif batik originated from a particular family. Some batik may indicate the status of a person. Even today, some traditional 'batik motif is only used by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. The Cirebon batik motif sea creatures and Chinese influences.

In the history of Indonesia, batik became a garment worn by the character, ranging from pre-independence period to the present. In the early 80s, in diplomacy abroad, President Soeharto said batik as an Indonesian heritage, especially the Java community that has so far imposed by various groups and ages. With UNESCO's recognition and adoption of National Batik Day on October 2nd increasingly placing Indonesian batik is not only cultural, but the identity and the identity of the nation.

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Keris in The Cultural of Javanese

Keris (dagger) is a kind of short weapon used Malay nationalism since exceeding 600 years ago. This weapon is unique in the world may be found in Malay and Malay populous regions such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, southern Thailand, southern Philippines (Mindanao), and Brunei.

Keris is used to defend yourself (for example, when bersilat) and as a means of royal greatness. This weapon is also a symbol of the sovereignty of the Malay people. The most famous Keris Taming Sari keris is a weapon that Hang Tuah, a Malay hero famous.

Kris derived from the islands of Java and has used ancient dagger between 9th century and 14th century. This weapon terbahagi to three Courant, namely the eye, the upstream and gloves. Kris is often associated with mystical power by the Malays in the ancient times. Among other things, there is a belief that the keris has its own spirit.

Among the Java community at large for a particular event, for example the marriage ceremony, the men have to wear the clothes jangkep Jawi (Javanese costume complete).

And obligations that must be adhered to especially by the groom, which must use / wear a wedding dress style Javanese batik, wedding dress, headgear (kuluk) and also a keris tucked in the waist. Why should a dagger? Because Keris was by the Java community is represented as a symbol of "manhood." And sometimes, if for any reason that the groom was unable to attend the wedding ceremony of the meeting, he represented a keris. Keris is a symbol of heritage.

This belief is actually originated from the Java community trust first, that the beginning of the existence of creatures on earth or in the world comes from an agrarian philosophy, namely the merging of elements from men with female elements. Allah in this world, creating a creature in the two types of sex are male and female, both humans, animals, and plants. The belief in the agrarian philosophy is very basic in the large family palaces in Java, such as the Palace of Surakarta, Yogyakarta Sultanate, and others. The belief of Hinduism first ever adopted by the Java community. Then came the belief about the sky father and earth mother / motherland. Which is also close to public confidence in Javanese agrarian philosophy embodied in the form of a ceremony on the eve of the procession heritage.

Using a dagger just as completeness fashion greatness when meeting wedding ceremony. Then the dagger was decorated with diamonds or diamond on the base of the upstream dagger. Even the sheath is made ​​of metal so beautifully carved, gilded glittery as the pride of the wearer. Then, it inevitably becomes a commodity dagger high business value.

Tosan Aji or heirloom weapon that not only Javanese keris and spear only, but almost all regions in Indonesia have heirloom weapons mainstays, such as in Aceh dagger, dagger in Makassar, sword, spear tipped tig (trident), keris bali, and others.

What is interesting is the heart dagger used for completeness Javanese groom dress. Keris was decorated with garlands of roses jasmine dagger worn on the upper trunk. Turns out it was not just a decoration, but rather implies to remind people not to have a violent temper, emotional, grumpy, arbitrary and would own victory as Harya Penangsang character, King of Jipang.
Relation with Arya Penangsang is currently fighting against Aryo Penangsang Sutawijaya, because Penangsang grumpy, emotional, could not help myself, spear pierced his stomach that Kyai Plered stabbed by Sutawijaya. Intestines torn out of his stomach. In the state wants revenge furiously Penangsang already in pain the draping intestines upstream dagger at his waist. He continued to attack the enemy. At one point Penangsang would stab his opponent with a dagger Kyai Satan Kober at the waist, so unsheathed dagger, dagger eyes intestines interrupted by inheritance. Penangsang died in the devastating war which claimed many victims. Of events that appear dagger idea of wedding decoration garlands of roses and jasmine.

Relationship dagger with scabbard exclusively by Javanese philosophy interpreted as intimate relationships, fused to achieve a harmonious life in the world. Thus was born the philosophy of "union with god", the union of the man with the king, the unification of perfect man by his Creator, the union of the people with their leaders, so that life safety is always peaceful, peaceful, happy, healthy and prosperous. In addition to mutual respect for one another each must also know themselves to work in accordance with the portions and their respective functions properly. However, the meaning of a work of art tosan aji national culture containing various aspects of Javanese society in general, progress is now threatened because of its cultural aspects of technology as a friend rather than less desirable aspects of the legends and magical.

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

How to Make a Dagger "Keris"

Keris is made of alloy choices that produce distinctive strength and beauty. The basic material of a keris is 3 types of metal, namely iron, steel, and prestige. Eye Balls are made ​​of nickel metal or even stone meteorites. But regardless of the quality of the material, which also is affecting the quality of the dagger is the process of making.

Basically, the principal stages in the making of keris is burning, forging and folding. Kris-making process carried out by an expert to make dagger called a master. A masters is usually assisted by two helpers called Panjak. They work to produce a dagger in place commonly called by the name Besalen.

Tools needed include Paron, ie pedestal forge. Then Chopsticks, which is a tool for clamping and holding when burned and forged iron. Next is a big Hammers held by Panjak and a small hammer used by the master in the form of keris.

The process is the basic material in the form of ferrous metals 2-3 cm thick concrete beams by the two. In between the metal beams, metal beams inserted prestige or sometimes made ​​from nickel meteorite. Then the metal is burned in the heat where the temperature reaches 1000 degrees Celsius more. To burn this metal usually use the teak wood charcoal as the heat is more stable.

Next is forging that serves to unify the three beams to the metal. Fused to metal forged, shaped flat and flat. Then the material is folded and cut into two pieces and then burned again. This process is done over and over again as much as possible depending on the quality of the keris to be created. The more the number of folds will be more gentle prestige generated. Counting patterns using exponential layers. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 62 and so on.

If deemed sufficient, the metal plate is then divided by two. One small tip is made to serve as the tip of a dagger, while the other end is made more width to be the base of a dagger.

Crude keris called Kedokan then steamed until smooth and arsenic (arsenic) whose function is to raise the prestige or the ornaments of iron in the body layer result dagger. Prestige of the keris is the main attraction. There are a variety of motives prestige created by the grip or traditional patterns to contemporary.
Once given the handle and sheath, scabbard and garnish to taste-makers (or buyer) be beautiful and dashing dagger, also accompanied by a prayer or hope the master in every make. In each work there is always a meaning and hope, hope to stay afloat and the meaning will not be lost in that era.

This Crude keris called Kedokan
Keris / Dagger

Revelation of God in the context of Javanese People

In the context of Javanese culture, revelation (Wahyu) is defined as a concept that implies a gift of God that man has acquired supernatural. Revelation also can not be searched, but only given by God, and man can only make an effort to do Mesu Mesu body and soul by way of penance, meditating, meditated, maladihening, and various other roads which connotes doing inner behavior. But not every activity that inner attitude will get revelation, besides the will or grace of God Almighty.
In the context of Javanese culture, viewed as a revelation of God's grace and prove that God is universal, vast without limit, and that a loving God would not do favoritism in incised revelation for anyone who God wants. Java philosophy sees the deepest meaning of the nature of the nature of God Most Just, which has the consequence that the revelation is not a right or monopoly tribe, race, class, or nation.
The mechanism of life in the universe is dynamic in nature. The dynamics of life in relationship patterns that follow the principles of harmony, balance, or coordination (synergies) universe seisinya election. The dynamics and relationship patterns that have become law or formula God the Preserver as beautiful grace to all existing inventions, whether animate or inanimate.

Wahyu Purba

The saving grace in the terminology of Java beliefs known term Wahyu Purba. Purba is, according to the dictionary meaning have kept. Ancient Revelation have meaning, Vishnu or the same in substance with permission Illahiah (divinity), is nature preserve. This is a life lesson that contain "formula of God" that the life of the universe with all its contents, including humans, all preserved by the true truth, that divine truth. Where the universe and human life will experience consistency, safety, peace, happiness and prosperity when the truth could be appreciated and upheld by good and true. While people believe that life is nourished by divine truth or the truth of God, they also unrighteousness and evil that can cause chaos and disrupt the harmony, happiness, and prosperity Securiy. All of that happened as a result "kenekadan" man law violation permission. To keep the peace and prosperity of the world then god Vishnu descended into the world dripping on Arjuna (Arjunasasrabahu) one of Pandawa, King of Maespati, and to Ramawijaya king of Ayodya.

Wahyu Dyatmika

Anyone who managed to build harmony and synergy or energy alignment between the "small universe" which is within the personal (inner world) with the "universe" is called a person who has obtained Wahyu Dyatmika. Dyatmika means mind, or heart. Wahyu Dyatmika have the meaning God's revelation received by a person to have power linuwih (advanced) include creativity, sense of power, and power initiative known as prana. Prana in Java terminology different from the college community known as pranic force as a martial art and sport.

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Kejawen : Value of Java Community

In the literature and culture of Java rules did not find any grip in the sentence prayers and standard procedures for worshiping God. In Javanese culture to understand that God is universal and not limited His sovereignty. Also in Javanese, as is in fact not a religion, then the Javanese philosophy that there is only a form of "spiritual behavior" in the inner level, and "ritual behavior" at the level of outward. Behavior and crystallization ritual is a symbol of spiritual behavior.
Take, for example spells, offerings, sesirih behavior (avoiding the taboo behavior) as well as the behavior of meditation or meditation. Many people who do not understand the origin and meaning of it all, then simply raised an assumption that mantra as well as prayer. While offerings, behavior and conduct meditation sesirih perceived the same meaning with the ritual worship of God. Assumptions and this wrong perception. According to observers, academics and cultural figures, there is an element of intent to perceive and assume incorrectly and deviated from the true meaning. Hopefully it is not a belief system, including efforts to politicize, to mendestruksi Javanese culture that has taken root among the Javanese, with the hope that local knowledge paradigm occurs springboard to foreign narrative paradigm guarantees heaven.

Mantra is not the same meaning with prayer. When prayer is a plea to God Almighty, while the spell was suppose to pull the trigger rifle called survival. Human life giving power of God Almighty. Giving offerings, behavior sesirih (prevent) and meditation behavior has meaning life force empowering procedures in order to live a life that is true, good and right. Namely running life by following the rules "Memayu Hayuning Bawana".


The offerings or sajen when viewed from a religious perspective Abrahamisme, sometimes considered a negative connotation, as the source of idolatry (polytheism). But is associating human and God second best offerings through this ceremony? Should do was trapped by the limitations of reason and passion "Golek Menange Dewe (Selfish) and Golek Benere Dewe (find truth itself). Intention of actually offering a harmonization effort, through creative spiritual path to harmonize and connect the magical power of the human aura, with the whole of God's creation side by side in this world, especially the forces of nature and supernatural beings. In other words is the harmonization of human offerings in the horizontal dimension of the fellow creatures of God's creation. Harmonization is defined as human consciousness. Although men are considered (consider myself) as the most noble creature, but there is no reason to feel self just because most noble among other creatures. Because the glory of man depends on how to use of reason in ourselves. When the use of reason for the crime, then the glory of the human being broke, still more despicable than even the most despicable animals.