Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Keris in The Cultural of Javanese

Keris (dagger) is a kind of short weapon used Malay nationalism since exceeding 600 years ago. This weapon is unique in the world may be found in Malay and Malay populous regions such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, southern Thailand, southern Philippines (Mindanao), and Brunei.

Keris is used to defend yourself (for example, when bersilat) and as a means of royal greatness. This weapon is also a symbol of the sovereignty of the Malay people. The most famous Keris Taming Sari keris is a weapon that Hang Tuah, a Malay hero famous.

Kris derived from the islands of Java and has used ancient dagger between 9th century and 14th century. This weapon terbahagi to three Courant, namely the eye, the upstream and gloves. Kris is often associated with mystical power by the Malays in the ancient times. Among other things, there is a belief that the keris has its own spirit.

Among the Java community at large for a particular event, for example the marriage ceremony, the men have to wear the clothes jangkep Jawi (Javanese costume complete).

And obligations that must be adhered to especially by the groom, which must use / wear a wedding dress style Javanese batik, wedding dress, headgear (kuluk) and also a keris tucked in the waist. Why should a dagger? Because Keris was by the Java community is represented as a symbol of "manhood." And sometimes, if for any reason that the groom was unable to attend the wedding ceremony of the meeting, he represented a keris. Keris is a symbol of heritage.

This belief is actually originated from the Java community trust first, that the beginning of the existence of creatures on earth or in the world comes from an agrarian philosophy, namely the merging of elements from men with female elements. Allah in this world, creating a creature in the two types of sex are male and female, both humans, animals, and plants. The belief in the agrarian philosophy is very basic in the large family palaces in Java, such as the Palace of Surakarta, Yogyakarta Sultanate, and others. The belief of Hinduism first ever adopted by the Java community. Then came the belief about the sky father and earth mother / motherland. Which is also close to public confidence in Javanese agrarian philosophy embodied in the form of a ceremony on the eve of the procession heritage.

Using a dagger just as completeness fashion greatness when meeting wedding ceremony. Then the dagger was decorated with diamonds or diamond on the base of the upstream dagger. Even the sheath is made ​​of metal so beautifully carved, gilded glittery as the pride of the wearer. Then, it inevitably becomes a commodity dagger high business value.

Tosan Aji or heirloom weapon that not only Javanese keris and spear only, but almost all regions in Indonesia have heirloom weapons mainstays, such as in Aceh dagger, dagger in Makassar, sword, spear tipped tig (trident), keris bali, and others.

What is interesting is the heart dagger used for completeness Javanese groom dress. Keris was decorated with garlands of roses jasmine dagger worn on the upper trunk. Turns out it was not just a decoration, but rather implies to remind people not to have a violent temper, emotional, grumpy, arbitrary and would own victory as Harya Penangsang character, King of Jipang.
Relation with Arya Penangsang is currently fighting against Aryo Penangsang Sutawijaya, because Penangsang grumpy, emotional, could not help myself, spear pierced his stomach that Kyai Plered stabbed by Sutawijaya. Intestines torn out of his stomach. In the state wants revenge furiously Penangsang already in pain the draping intestines upstream dagger at his waist. He continued to attack the enemy. At one point Penangsang would stab his opponent with a dagger Kyai Satan Kober at the waist, so unsheathed dagger, dagger eyes intestines interrupted by inheritance. Penangsang died in the devastating war which claimed many victims. Of events that appear dagger idea of wedding decoration garlands of roses and jasmine.

Relationship dagger with scabbard exclusively by Javanese philosophy interpreted as intimate relationships, fused to achieve a harmonious life in the world. Thus was born the philosophy of "union with god", the union of the man with the king, the unification of perfect man by his Creator, the union of the people with their leaders, so that life safety is always peaceful, peaceful, happy, healthy and prosperous. In addition to mutual respect for one another each must also know themselves to work in accordance with the portions and their respective functions properly. However, the meaning of a work of art tosan aji national culture containing various aspects of Javanese society in general, progress is now threatened because of its cultural aspects of technology as a friend rather than less desirable aspects of the legends and magical.

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