Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Revelation of God in the context of Javanese People

In the context of Javanese culture, revelation (Wahyu) is defined as a concept that implies a gift of God that man has acquired supernatural. Revelation also can not be searched, but only given by God, and man can only make an effort to do Mesu Mesu body and soul by way of penance, meditating, meditated, maladihening, and various other roads which connotes doing inner behavior. But not every activity that inner attitude will get revelation, besides the will or grace of God Almighty.
In the context of Javanese culture, viewed as a revelation of God's grace and prove that God is universal, vast without limit, and that a loving God would not do favoritism in incised revelation for anyone who God wants. Java philosophy sees the deepest meaning of the nature of the nature of God Most Just, which has the consequence that the revelation is not a right or monopoly tribe, race, class, or nation.
The mechanism of life in the universe is dynamic in nature. The dynamics of life in relationship patterns that follow the principles of harmony, balance, or coordination (synergies) universe seisinya election. The dynamics and relationship patterns that have become law or formula God the Preserver as beautiful grace to all existing inventions, whether animate or inanimate.

Wahyu Purba

The saving grace in the terminology of Java beliefs known term Wahyu Purba. Purba is, according to the dictionary meaning have kept. Ancient Revelation have meaning, Vishnu or the same in substance with permission Illahiah (divinity), is nature preserve. This is a life lesson that contain "formula of God" that the life of the universe with all its contents, including humans, all preserved by the true truth, that divine truth. Where the universe and human life will experience consistency, safety, peace, happiness and prosperity when the truth could be appreciated and upheld by good and true. While people believe that life is nourished by divine truth or the truth of God, they also unrighteousness and evil that can cause chaos and disrupt the harmony, happiness, and prosperity Securiy. All of that happened as a result "kenekadan" man law violation permission. To keep the peace and prosperity of the world then god Vishnu descended into the world dripping on Arjuna (Arjunasasrabahu) one of Pandawa, King of Maespati, and to Ramawijaya king of Ayodya.

Wahyu Dyatmika

Anyone who managed to build harmony and synergy or energy alignment between the "small universe" which is within the personal (inner world) with the "universe" is called a person who has obtained Wahyu Dyatmika. Dyatmika means mind, or heart. Wahyu Dyatmika have the meaning God's revelation received by a person to have power linuwih (advanced) include creativity, sense of power, and power initiative known as prana. Prana in Java terminology different from the college community known as pranic force as a martial art and sport.

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